Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

can we live without internet?

hhmmmm interesting question. for me personally, i would live without internet but probably there wpuld be something missing. but i or may be you guys will not feel that way if internet wasn't invented. right?

but I think the person who invent internet is a super duper genius person. with internet we can access any type of information from all over the world. we can also get in touch with other people. and many more advantages of internet that would be too long if I type it all.

there are some or many people that are addicted to internet. i can say that i'm a little addicted to it. i don't think i never not go online. eventhough i go online just to check my mail, facebook, or twitter. we have to becareful about this addiction to internet. it is bad because we will then forget about the real world. we caught up with the internet world or as we say it in indonesia "dunia maya". your real life will be left out. and i think the person that is addicted to internet is a lonely person. how sad if that happens to me or you? soooo we really need to manage our time about going online. and i really need to do it because once i go online i cannot stop and i always put my chores or assignment after online. which is a very very bad thing. huuuuh i hope i can do it!! starting next month i have to decrease my online time. I HAVE TO!!!

well thats my brief blog.
see you soon

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009


WOW udah lama banget gw gak nulis blog!! terakhir bulan juli cooy, dan selama ini banyaaaaaaak banget yang sudah terjadi. seperti :
1. gw sekarang berkuliah di FEUI *kl lo liat curcol gw yg sebelumnya pasti lo ikut senang hehe
2. gw sekarang jadi anak kostan
yaaa kira-kira begitulah yang terjadi selama ini.

speaking of being a kost-an girl, now i feel that i can manage my money better. before i didn't really care how much money i spent but now i totally care. even though i slip sometimes but still there's big difference between before going to college.

there is wifi at my kost-an sooooooo i can go online EVERYNIGHT. i usually sleep at midnight just because i go online. and i think it's not going to be good for my future so i have to learn to manage my time.

hmmm what else??
uuuuu i know!!

now, i am an ELF. if you're wondering what ELF means, i'll tell you. ELF equals EVER LASTING FRIENDS. ELF is fan name for Super Junior. super junior is a group band from Korea. you probably think i'm a freak but when you see their videos and hear their songs, you probably or maybe will fall in love with super junior, LIKE ME!! hahahaha

i just finish my mid term test at FEUI. it was hard!!!!! i'm really scared about the result because i think i did good but you'll never know what will happen!! i really hope i did good.

well i think thats for now, i'll probably type again tomorrow night

bye bye


this is a picture of super junior if you are wondering

Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

You Belong With Me

You're on the phone
With your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about
Something that you said
'cause she doesn't get your humor
Like I do

I'm in the room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music
She doesn't like
She'll never know your story
Like I do

But she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
You belong with me.

Walking the streets
With you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking
This is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench
Thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

And you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile
Since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey what you doing
With a girl like that

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain
I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
Standing by and
Waiting at your backdoor
All this time
How could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me.

Oh, I remember
You driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me.

Have you ever thought
Just maybe
You belong with me?

Rabu, 10 Juni 2009


heeei kemaren gw abis berlibur ke bali lho. walopun cuma 3 hari tapi hal-hal yg pengen gw lakuin kesampean. bali sangat asyik hahaha. dan akhirnya gw snorkling juga. tp ternyata serem berenang di laut mana gw takut di gigit ikan, padahal ikannya kecil hahaha.

blog you later :)

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

nyokap gw ngelawak

tadi gw dan kedua kakak gw nemenin nyokap ke rs mitra jatinegara karena dia sakit. sebelumnya gw makan bubur yang paling MANYUSSS SEJAGADD RAYA (orang pondok kopi pasti tau *pas lampu merah mall citra/mal klender belok kiri dan disitulah ada BUBUR SUKABUMI). nah abis dari rumah sakit otw ke rumah di radio mobil ada lagu BLANCO dari si abang pitbull dan aa' pharrel. mungkin karena udah malem dan nyokap udah ngantuk dia mulai menjadikan lirik-lirik dari lagu itu ke bahasa indonesia. contoh :
1. Acercame tu pantalon (beat nya agak cepet) --- diartikan dengan nyokap gw --- udah makan apa belom?
2. BLANCO --- blangkon
dan lain-lain. harus dengerin lagunya dan dengerin nyokap gw, kocaaaaak banget. gw di depan sm kakak gw udah ngakak. mana kakak gw nyetir trus dia bilang sambil ngakak "aduh gak keliatan nih jalnnya!" karena matanya sipit jadi kl ketawa matanya agak tertutup.
lalu nyokap gw nanya "ini bahasa apa?" gw dan kakak gw langsung jawab bahasa SPANYOL. nyokap yang agak-agak budeg membalas dengan "hah? MONGOL?". sumpaaaaaah gw langsung ngakak lagi. dari spanyol jadi mongol. aduuuh mama mama.
sekian lawakan nyokap gw, semoga pada terhibur hehe

blog you later

heeey hoooo

heeey i'm not sad anymore hihi. yang kemaren hanya sesaat. sebenarnya sih biasa aja tp gw kebawa suasana aja abis si mama cerewet hehehe.
tp yang kalimat terakhir yang gw kangen sm teman-teman itu sangatlah benar. gila meeeeeen 2 minggu gw gak ketemu rasanya kayak ratusan tahun *hahaha lebay. pokoknya gw sangat kangen saat-saat disekolah. sekarang baru kangen kemaren kemaren kayaknya bosen bgt, mau cepet cepet lulus. tapi kayaknya pas lulus *insyaAllah* gw akan terus terus mengingat masa di sekolah terutama SMA, karena menurut gw masa SMA itu 3 tahun yang sangaaaaaaat indah. pertama pas kelas 1 kita baru so' so' udah gede padahal masih keliatan SMP nya. pas kelas 2 udah mulai tuh beranjak dewasa, misalnya banyak yang ngerayain ulang tahun terus ngundang dan seru-seruan pake dress. it was sooo fun. dan di kelas 3 mungkin 1 tahun yg gak akan kita pernah lupakan. dari mulai karya tulis, UAN UAS, ujian praktek, ribet laah pokoknya. mana kita harus mikirin mau kuliah dimana hadoooooh makin ribet urusannya. tapiii kita jangan pernah lupa bahw di 1 tahun itu kita selalu dibantu sm orang tua, guru, TEMAN-TEMAN, dan pasti ALLAH. InsyaAllah kerja keras kita akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang memuaskan, Amiiiiiiin.

blog you later

Rabu, 27 Mei 2009


you know, i go to inten everyday to study. i do it because i really want to study, i want to pass UMB, i really do. but i guess people really really don't know what i'm feeling right now. i know when we want something we need to try to the max, i know that. but i think i did that already for simak UI. and i don't know how to do it again. at inten i am very excited to study. but at home i feel tired and hopeless and don't know what to do. i don't continue studying because there is a part of me that telling me is not worth it.
i believe in miracle before but i don't know if i believe it now. i don't doubt Allah at all. i still believe Allah can do anything for us. but the thing is i prayed to Allah everyday before simak, and the result was not what i accepted. i was crushed, i was depressed. and now i have to take the test again but im scared because i cannot deal with myself if i fail. and what makes it worst is that i really really miss my friends. i want to meet them. i want to talk them and i want to laugh

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

found it :)

heeey i found my prom dress. its very simple though but it's ok. i bought the dress so i wish no one else bought the same dress haha. it will be sooo weird. and now i am looking for the right hair do. right now i am searching at the pictures from the oscar this year and i found some hair do that i like. can't wait for prom hehe :D

blog you later muuuuaaaah

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

. . .

hari senin kemaren udah mulai inten yg super super intensif. gw kira bakal cape banget gitu ya, ternyata enak-enak aja. beda aja kalo belajar di sekolah, ngantuk sih kadang-kadang. tp gw bener-bener belajar hehe. semoga aja gak sia-sia Amiiiiiiiiiiin.
karena hari ini gw libur gw ingin menikmatinya, padahal besok sebenarnya gw ada try out inten. dan sabtu nya juga. malam minggu gw berencana pergi bareng resty, prinka, dinadora, dan anti. semoga aja semua bisa, sambil nemenin gw yang agak sedikit stres hahaha.
kemaren gw juga beli kaos the killers dari si rama, gw beli soalnya keliatannya kaosnya bagus walopun gw gak suka-suka bgt sm the killers tp kaosnya mearik banget.
hari ini mau ngajak si mama ke gading buat liat-liat baju untuk prom.
blog you later muuuaaaah :P

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

long time no see

wooooww long time since i write in my blog. banyak sekali yang sudah terlewatkan seperti UAN, UAS, SIMAK UI, dan sekarang libur sambil nungguin UMB. uda seneng gak sekolah lagi eeeh belajar lagi buat UMB. mana gw masuk inten dari jam 7 sampe malem. nginep aja gw sekalian di inten. anywaay i really want to enjoy this last weekend because tomorrow i have to study at inten from 7 o'clock in the morning, damn! belom punya semangat buat belajar banget nih gw dan itu sangaaaat berbahaya. but i will try to study and do my best. wish me luck!